Sunday, December 03, 2006


Today, our pastor's sermon was really great. He talked about the fears we have in our lives that keep a stronghold over us. He said there are 3 steps to overcoming these fears.
  1. Identify the fears
  2. Confess the fears
  3. Defeat the fears

So that is what I aim to do here. I have been thinking about it a lot since this morning; i thought of a lot of the most obvious stuff at first but then I really feel that God showed me some things that were a little deeper. Anyway, here they are.

  • i will always be poor
  • i will always be fat
  • xander won't be able to fit in
  • i wont ever stop hurting over marcos
  • i wont be able to control my sexual promiscuity
  • i will grow old alone
  • the dark
  • losing my hair
  • my newsletters wont be as good as Erica's
  • God isn't as forgiving as we think

1 comment:

Brandi Wilson said...

Jennifer. Here's the deal. Praise the Lord I took notes this Sunday! Bryan gave us (in his words) The Simple 3 Step PROCESS to Dealing With Fears. He used the scripture Psalms 34:1-4 that said, "I will bless the Lord at all times. I sought the Lord and he answered me and he delivered me from all my fears."

The 3 steps were:
1. I sought the Lord. Identify what we're fearful of.
2. Confess that fear.

You have identified your fear. Confess it to the Lord and then it's HIS part to deliver you!
I know if it was in your own power that you would just snap your finger and get over your fear, but it's the Lord's job to deliver you. Find comfort in the Psalm of David (the one that wrote Psalm 34) He said that he would bless the Lord at all times. He identified and confessed his fears to the Lord, and God answered him and delivered him from ALL his fears.
David didn't say that he figured out what was bothering him and then decided to work really hard at fixing his problems. He said that the LORD delivered him from all his fears about those situations.

Belive me Jennifer! I needed to look back over my notes too. I have been thinking about this sermon a lot. I was hoping that I was going to leave church Fear Free, but I've still had fearful thoughts. Here's the good thing. When I think of those fears I remind the Lord of this Psalm. I tell him that I have identified now I need him to deliver me!