Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Me As A Convict

So a while back I had posted about my awful driver's license picture where I look I am in Taylor County Jail. There has finally been enough time for me me to get over the trauma and humiliation of that picture so I am now ready to post it.

Here it is in all it's glory.


Amanda said...

LOL! You're such a dork! I love you that way though.

trish said...

Hey I have never hung out with a convict when do yu want to hang out?

Lydianna Bradford said...

It doesn't look bad. I guess you are referring to the orange shirt? I'll have to remember not to do that in the future.

Pamelotta said...

I think if you ever get stopped by a cop, he's going to have to haul you in because you've got black bars across all of your important information! You better get that fixed.