Sunday, August 27, 2006

How Great is Our God

Today after church my car broke down (amazingly i knew just what happened: something under the hood wasn't working like it's supposed to. i know, i is amazing how i know these things) and not even 3 minutes and 45 seconds later, a man pulled into the parking lot with a huge sign on his car that said "Mechanic for Christ" He fixed my car right there in the Allsup's parking lot for F R E E!!!!!!! God is good, people!

Update on an answered prayer: Xander did end up getting Mrs. Turner (Kalista's Pre-K teacher)

I posted a comment on another person's blog (i have no idea who this person is except i think it is a male and lives in abilene, and apparently is as poor as i am) concerning the "deserts" people were going through. Usually I don't really respond to other people's blogs, but this one just called out to me. I left a huge comment about my desert and I didn't really think anyone would actually read it. But people did. They also commented on it. They gave me such encouragement. It was something that God sent to me.

If you ever get a chance to download or listen to The Way by Telecast, I highly recommend it. It makes me want to just serve Him. I love you Lord.

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